#JulianCamesDLC <2016>
#JulianCamesDLC #NoEditFileJustDLC for PES2016
Si compartes éste trabajo, deja mi cuenta de twitter en los créditos. Gracias.
If you share this work, leave my twitter account in the credits. Thank you.
#Si vas a usar éste DLC como base de otros parches no te olvides de dar los créditos respectivos.
#Si vous avez l'intention d'utiliser cet DLC comme base pour d'autres PATCHS ne oubliez pas de donner les crédits respectifs.
#If you intend to use this DLC as the basis for other PATCHS do not forget to give the respective credits.
Konami DLC 1.0 Compatible
- Konami Datapack 1.0.
- JulianCamesDLC 1.0
DLC Contains:
- Compatible with Konami Datapack 1.0.
- Real Madrid and Barcelona third Kit.
- Add 2 new Colombian Staduims (Pascual Guerrero - Techo) by Crismurilloga.
- Add new ball (Golty)
- Add -some- transfers for edited teams (Bundesliga, Liga Aguila, Torneo Aguila, Nations)
- Squads: Real names and prevent duplicate players for: (only available in EDITPLAYERS mode):
--Borussia Dortmund
--América de Cali
--Czech Republic
--United States
#JulianCamesDLC has two modes:
1. EDITPLAYERS mode: You have players with real names and stats, and updated squads for edited teams. You have new stadiums and new ball. You can play Online only vs COM. You can't play online vs others Players!! WARN: Don´t try to do Matchmaking vs others player, this could cause a System Crash.
2. MATCHMAKING mode: You can do Matchmaking with others players or COM. You do not have real names or stats. You don't have squads for edited teams. You don't have additional stadiums or new balls.
How to install:
1. If you have a EditFile, you must delete it.
2. Go to your download steam folder:
- Delete all DpFileList* bin files (DpFileList.bin, DpFileList_ONLINE.bin, DpFileList_OFFLINE.bin, etc.)
- Delete the cpk file JulianCamePatch_ONLINE.cpk if exists.
3. In your download steam folder, copy the following files:
- JulianCamesPatchs_02.cpk
- JulianCamesPatchs_MTCHMK.cpk
- DpFileList_MTCHMK.bin
- DpFileList.bin
4. Copy JulianCamesDLC Switcher V.1.2 in any location.
Your download folder should look like this:
Stadiums: Crismurilloga
Faces: Mincho Sheen, PES COLOMBIA PATCH, JulianCames, Borusia D. Faces: Sameh, Ilhan, Tunizizou.
DLC: Julian Cames
- Konami Datapack 1.0.
- JulianCamesDLC 1.0
DLC Contains:
- Compatible with Konami Datapack 1.0.
- Real Madrid and Barcelona third Kit.
- Add 2 new Colombian Staduims (Pascual Guerrero - Techo) by Crismurilloga.
- Add new ball (Golty)
- Add -some- transfers for edited teams (Bundesliga, Liga Aguila, Torneo Aguila, Nations)
- Squads: Real names and prevent duplicate players for: (only available in EDITPLAYERS mode):
--Borussia Dortmund
--América de Cali
--Czech Republic
--United States
#JulianCamesDLC has two modes:
1. EDITPLAYERS mode: You have players with real names and stats, and updated squads for edited teams. You have new stadiums and new ball. You can play Online only vs COM. You can't play online vs others Players!! WARN: Don´t try to do Matchmaking vs others player, this could cause a System Crash.
2. MATCHMAKING mode: You can do Matchmaking with others players or COM. You do not have real names or stats. You don't have squads for edited teams. You don't have additional stadiums or new balls.
How to install:
1. If you have a EditFile, you must delete it.
2. Go to your download steam folder:
- Delete all DpFileList* bin files (DpFileList.bin, DpFileList_ONLINE.bin, DpFileList_OFFLINE.bin, etc.)
- Delete the cpk file JulianCamePatch_ONLINE.cpk if exists.
3. In your download steam folder, copy the following files:
- JulianCamesPatchs_02.cpk
- JulianCamesPatchs_MTCHMK.cpk
- DpFileList_MTCHMK.bin
- DpFileList.bin
4. Copy JulianCamesDLC Switcher V.1.2 in any location.
Your download folder should look like this:
Stadiums: Crismurilloga
Faces: Mincho Sheen, PES COLOMBIA PATCH, JulianCames, Borusia D. Faces: Sameh, Ilhan, Tunizizou.
DLC: Julian Cames
...if you like my work, you can say Thanks on Twitter: @juliancames_pes
...if you adore my work, consider donating.
...if you adore my work, consider donating.
Download (MEGA): [ LINK MEGA ]
by Julian Cames