Julian Cames DLC PES 2016 V1.5 released!

#JulianCamesDLC [2016]
#JulianCamesDLC #NoEditFileJustDLC for PES2016
Konami DataPack 3 compatible

Si compartes éste trabajo, deja mi cuenta de twitter en los créditos. Gracias.
If you share this work, leave my twitter account in the credits. Thank you.

#Si vas a usar éste DLC como base de otros parches no te olvides de dar los créditos respectivos.
#Si vous avez l'intention d'utiliser cet DLC comme base pour d'autres PATCHS ne oubliez pas de donner les crédits respectifs.
#If you intend to use this DLC as the basis for other PATCHS do not forget to give the respective credits.

- Konami Datapack 1.0.
- Konami Datapack 2.0.
- Konami Datapack 3.0.
- JulianCamesDLC 1.0
- JulianCamesDLC 1.2
- JulianCamesDLC 1.3
- JulianCamesDLC 1.4
- Konami DLC 3 compatible.
- Eurocup 2016 (DLC 3)
- Kits Copa América Centenario 2016
- Other some kits.
- Stade de France. (DLC 3)

How to install #JulianCamesDLC V1.5:
1. If you have a EditFile, you must delete it.
    From MyDocuments: "\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2016\save"
2. Go to your download steam folder:
    -  Delete all DpFileList* bin files (DpFileList.bin, DpFileList_MTCHMK.bin, DpFileList_EDITMODE.bin, etc.)
3.  Delete the cpk file JulianCamesPatchs_MTCHMK.cpk.
4. In your download steam folder, copy the following files:
   -  JulianCamesPatchs_05.cpk
   -  JulianCamesPatchs_MTCHMK.cpk
   -  DpFileList_MTCHMK.bin
   -  DpFileList.bin
NOTE: you can change modes with the same: JulianCamesDLC Switcher V.1.2
Your download folder should look like this:

 Cómo instalar #JulianCamesDLC V1.5:

1. Si ya tienes un EditFile, debes eliminarlo.
   Desde MisDocumentos: "\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2016\save"
2. Ir a tu carpeta download de steam:
    -  Eliminar todos los archivos DpFileList* bin (DpFileList.bin, DpFileList_MTCHMK.bin, DpFileList_EDITMODE.bin, etc.)
3. Eliminar el archivo JulianCamesPatchs_MTCHMK.cpk si existe.
4. En tu carpeta download de steam pegar los siguientes archivos:
   -  JulianCamesPatchs_05.cpk
   -  JulianCamesPatchs_MTCHMK.cpk
   -  DpFileList_MTCHMK.bin
   -  DpFileList.bin
NOTA: Puedes cambiar entre los modos con JulianCamesDLC Switcher V.1.2

Tu carpeta download de steam debería verse así:

Julián Cames
- Angeltorero, FerchoPuyol, Cronos, Santy Argentina, Klashman.
- Juliánn Cames 



...if you like my work, you can say Thanks on Twitter: @juliancames_pes
...if you adore my work, consider donating.

Download (MEGA): [ LINK MEGA ]

by Julian Cames